module Messages exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, main, update, updateDebouncer, view) {-| This does exactly the same thing as the `Basic` example, but it uses `Debouncer.Messages` instead of `Debouncer.Basic`. This simplifies your code in the (common) case where what you're debouncing is your own `Msg` type. (You would want `Debouncer.Basic` in other cases, since it is more general). -} import Browser import Debouncer.Messages as Debouncer exposing (Debouncer, fromSeconds, provideInput, settleWhenQuietFor, toDebouncer) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) type alias Model = { quietForOneSecond : Debouncer Msg , draft : String , messages : List String } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { quietForOneSecond = Debouncer.manual |> settleWhenQuietFor (Just <| fromSeconds 1) |> toDebouncer , draft = "" , messages = [] } , Cmd.none ) type Msg = MsgQuietForOneSecond (Debouncer.Msg Msg) | DoThingNow String | DoThingLater updateDebouncer : Debouncer.UpdateConfig Msg Model updateDebouncer = { mapMsg = MsgQuietForOneSecond , getDebouncer = .quietForOneSecond , setDebouncer = \debouncer model -> { model | quietForOneSecond = debouncer } } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of MsgQuietForOneSecond subMsg -> Debouncer.update update updateDebouncer subMsg model DoThingNow str -> update (MsgQuietForOneSecond (provideInput DoThingLater) ) { model | draft = str } DoThingLater -> ( { model | messages = model.messages ++ [ model.draft ] , draft = "" } , Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ style "margin" "1em" ] [ Html.textarea [ Html.Attributes.value model.draft , onInput DoThingNow ] [] , p [] [ text " I'll add a message below once you stop typing for one second." ] , model.messages |> (\message -> p [] [ text message ]) |> div [] ] main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = always init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = always Sub.none }